Paris neapeliuos savo nuosprendžio
įrašyta 2007-06-11 10:51 kategorijoje Pop Princesės
Nana, tikriausiai artėja pasaulio pabaiga, nes Paris Hilton nusprendė nesiginčyti su jai paskirta bausme. Kaip gi įdomiai veikia tas PR. Kaip gali paveikti tokie veiksmai jos įvaizdį. Ką ji sau galvoja? Kaip ten bebūtų, panelė Hilton per savo advokatą pareiškė:
“Today I told my attorneys not to appeal the judge’s decision. While I greatly appreciate the Sheriff’s concern for my health and welfare, after meeting with doctors I intend to serve my time as ordered by the judge.
This is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. During the past several days, I have had a lot of time to reflect and have already learned a bitter, but important lesson from this experience.
As I have said before, I hope others will learn from my mistake. I have also had time to read the mail from my fans. I very much appreciate all of their good wishes and hope they will keep their letters coming.
I must also say that I was shocked to see all of the attention devoted to the amount of time I would spend in jail for what I had done by the media, public and city officials. I would hope going forward that the public and the media will focus on more important things, like the men and women serving our country in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places around the world.”
O jei atsirastų tokių, kas norėtų parašyti Paris, štai Jums adresiukas:
Paris Hilton, #9818783
PO BOX 86164
Terminal Annex
Los Angeles, CA 90086-0164
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