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Heroes aktorius Masi Oka juokauja

įrašyta 2007-08-26 01:21 kategorijoje Aktoriai, Dienos juokas, TV Shows

Nupieštame FHM numeryje, Masi Oka šneka apie savo seną mašiną Honda Civic 2000:

“I think there’s a superstition to changing anything in your life when everything’s going well. But I’ll have to get a new car soon – it’s really shaking at the moment. I can’t be on Heroes, and then be seen sat at the side of a freeway next to a smoking wreck. With people driving past shouting, “Hey dickhead – why don’t you teleport outta here!” That would not be good.”

P.S. Jokingų citatų neverčiame.


One comment to " Heroes aktorius Masi Oka juokauja "

  1. Dashgiz says:


    August 26th, 2007 at 10:24

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